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No. 168 «Словарь юного меломана»

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Chamber Hall of Philharmonia

02.10.2010 / Saturday / 12.00

Subscription: No. 168 The Dictionary of the Young Music Fan

What is Eensemble, Arabesque, Album, Arrangement and A capрella

Performers: Vargaftik Artyom, Romantic Quartet



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Chamber Hall of Philharmonia

18.12.2010 / Saturday / 12.00

Subscription: No. 168 The Dictionary of the Young Music Fan

Что такое «багатель», «баллетто», «баркарола», «бриндизи» и bel canto

Performers: Vargaftik Artyom



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Chamber Hall of Philharmonia

05.02.2011 / Saturday / 12.00

Subscription: No. 168 The Dictionary of the Young Music Fan

The dictionary of the young music fan

Performers: Vargaftik Artyom, Soloists Ensemble the Madrigal



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Chamber Hall of Philharmonia

02.04.2011 / Saturday / 12.00

Subscription: No. 168 The Dictionary of the Young Music Fan

Nursery by M.Mussorgsky, Children's Album by P.Tchaikovsky and Children's Corner by K.Debussy

Performers: Vargaftik Artyom
Program: Debussy, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky



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